One of the most common, affordable, and easy to implement offset project types, afforestation/reforestation projects use predominantly native tree species appropriate for each specific project location. There is often overlap with agro-forestry projects, as some reforestation projects involve also planting wind-breaks, fence-rows, a mix of fruit trees, and vetiver grasses to help control erosion. Projects involve not only tree planting, but on-going monitoring of growth and survival. Students gain hands-on experience in field measurement techniques including use of un-manned aerial observation technologies for measuring carbon growth.

ALAP works with local NGOs which have extensive experience with reforestation projects in their respective communities, and which have demonstrated capacity to host and work with student groups. ALAP is seeking university partners to collaborate with each of our NGO partners on afforestation/reforestation projects. Offset project opportunities also exist for university partners interested in plantation forestry. Forestry school students can gain hands-on experience in all aspects of managing tropical forest plantations.